
četvrtak, 18. lipnja 2015.

Rapunzel - How do I keep my hair long and healthy

Let's talk about my haaaaair! I'm obsessed with long hair, and I managed to grow mine long enough to sit on it, and most importantly, it doesn't have split ends... at least not many of them. How is that possible? Let me tell you.

Sad ćemo pričati o mojoj kosiii. Opsjednuta sam dugom kosom, i sada mi je toliko duga da mogu sjesti na nju, i što je najvažnije, nema ispucalih krajeva... bar ne mnogo. Kako je to moguće? Otkrit ću vam svoju tajnu.

First of all, you have to undestand that growing long healthy hair is not something that happens overnight. There is no magic product which can make your hair grow faster. Unfortunatelly, that's a big lie, so you shouldn't waste your money on that. I have few pictures of my hair and how it looks now. But I will put anything I can find!

Prije svega, morate razumjeti da je rast kose nešto što se ne događa preko noći. Ne postoji magični proizod koji ubrzava rast kose. Nažalost, to je jedna velika laž, pa ne bacajte novac na takve stvari. Imam malo slika svoje kose (pogotovo kako izgleda sada), ali ću postaviti sve što budem našla.

Let's start with these. These photos were taken a year ago (maybe more), my hair was reaching half of my back. Many of you will find this long enough, but it wasn't long enough to me... Year ago, I was using tons of products ( very expensive ones) on my hair, and what I noticed is that my hair isn't getting any longer. Why? Because using many products on your hair causes getting your hair out of it's natural balance. We live in a time when everything is full of chemicals. And trust me, that's not good for your hair.

Počet ćemo sa ovima. Ovo su slike od prošle godine (možda ima i više), kosa mi je bila do pola leđa. Mnogi će od vas reći da je to sasvim dovoljna dužina, ali ne i za mene. U to vrijeme sam koristila mnogo proizvoda ( i to veoma skupih), ali nisam primijećivala da mi kosa brže raste. Zašto? Korištenjem puno proizvoda poremetite prirodni balans vaše kose. Živimo u vremenu kada je sve puno hemikalija, a vjerujte mi, mnogo hemikalija nije dobro za kosu.

This is my hair now. It reached my hips, yaaaay! Although the picture is terrible, you can see how long it is.
Ovo je moja kosa sada. Dosegla mi je kukove! Iako je slika užasna, bar se vidi koliko je duga.

How to do that? Easy:

1. Stop using heat on your hair! If you want curly hair, there is plenty ways to curl it heatless (watch tutorials on YouTube). You can iron your hair only in special ocasions. No, first day of school or going to school is not a special ocasion. The thing is, you are getting addicted to it, you're getting your hair used to that ( maybe this sounds silly, but it's true), and worse you're damaging it. You should avoid blow-drying hair, too.

2. Get a trim every month! It might sound impossible to grow hair and get a trim in the same time, but it's not. I'm not saying you should cut off 5 cm. 1 cm is enough, depending how demaged your hair is. This way you are growing it, but getting rid of new split ends.

3. Don't use many products. I already explained this one. Just find what suits you best, and use that only.

4. Don't wash your hair every day. My hair is usually greasy beacause I touch it and play with it a lot,  so I know how annoying that can be. With my hair this long, it became a hell drying it, it takes very long time and I'm not willing to give an hour every day just to dry my hair. Try to wash it at least every second day. Blow-drying your hair often damages it and causes split ends. If your hair is too greasy, put it in a cute ponytail or a bun. Washing it often also dries out your scalp and causes dandruff.

5. Don't brush your hair when it's wet. This is very important. When it's wet, hair is very sensitive, and brushing it causes maaany split ends.

6. Brush your hair gently. Comb it from ends to top. Start detangling it from the bottom and work your way up. The best thing to use while brushing is widethooth comb.

7. Put shampoo only on the roots, and conditioner on ends. Shampoo is created to remove grease from hair. Do you have grese on your ends? Unlikely. So, don't dry them out. On the other hand, conditioner does the oposite. No one wants to have more grease on roots.

8. Find out what your hair type is and use right products. Not everything is good for everyone.

9. Wash your hair  gently and never pick it up while washing.

10. Use oil. If your hair is greasy at roots, doesn't mean your ends are. Put oil on dry hair and wrap it in the towl 30 min (or longer if you want) before washing.

Those were my tips, I hope I helped you. In the next post I'll show products I use.
Hugs and kisses!

nedjelja, 7. lipnja 2015.

Summer nights

Summer is finally here!! I hope I'll have more time for this now.
Anyway, I wanted to show you these, becouse I'm in love with this outfit!
I was going out the other night with my girls, and this is what I wore!
TOP : Terranova
JACKET : NewYorker
PANTS: TallyWeijl
BAG: Michael Kors
SHOES : Retro

I really hope I'll post often in these hot summer days. Till the next post xoxo