
četvrtak, 16. srpnja 2015.

Roman bridge

Hi guys! I didn't know what would be location where I would take my photos, and my friend suggested me Roman bridge near Sarajevo. The last time I went there was when I was like 11, and I completely forgot how beautiful that place is. Because it's tucked away in nature, not many people pass across it. The place is so quiet and perfect to take pictures. For my outfit I chose this white pencil skirt with white top, because when they're combined, they look like a dress. You'll see pictures with and without Bershka blue shirt (with white polka dots). I find it very classy without the shirt, but with it, I think this could be something you could wear everyday. Anyway, there's my new bag (here)! That will be all for this post, hope you liked it.
Hugs and kisses!

Zdravo ljudii! Nisam znala gdje da se slikam za ovaj post, pa mi je prijatelj preporučio Rimski most u blizini Sarajeva. Zadnji put sam tamo bila kad mi je bilo 11, pa sam potpuno zaboravila koliko je to mjesto ustvari lijepo. Most je ušuškan u prelijepu prirodu, pa i ne prođe mnogo ljudi preko njega. Mjesto je mirno, tiho i savršeno za slikanje. Za outfit sam izabrala bijelu pencil suknju sa bijelim topom, zato što zajedno izgledaju kao haljina. Vidjet ćete slike sa i bez plave Bershka košulje (sa bijelim polka tačkama). Mislim da je sve mnogo elegantnije bez košulje, ali je sa košuljom ono što bi se moglo nositi i svaki dan.
Uglavnom, tu je i moja nova torba (ovdje). To bi bilo sve za ovaj put, nadam se da vam se svidjelo.
Hugs and kisses!

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