
srijeda, 22. srpnja 2015.

Little black dress

Hello my lovelies! Since we went on sea with friends, I decided to rest from social media, which is the reason I haven't post anything (my phone battery lasted three days!). But, long story short, we had such a great time and this is what I wore on that special evening. My Second Female dark blue dress I bought two years ago (and never wore before) seemed so lovely with my new Celia pink shoes, and new Valentino bag. Especially with this beautiful view. Hope you'll like it.

Zdravo najdraži! S obzirom na to da smo išli na more sa prijateljima, odlučila sam se odmoriti od društvenih mreža i zato nisam postavljala ništa. Da skratim, bilo nam je i više nego dobro, a ovo je ono što sam nosila tu večer. Moja Second Female teget haljina, koju sam kupila prije dvije godine (i nikad nosila) je izgledala lijepo sa mojim novim Celia cipelama i novom Valentino torbom. Prelijep pogled je samo začinio sve, nadam se da će vam se svidjeti!
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