
četvrtak, 8. listopada 2015.

Start of the fall 2015

Konacno se micemo sa postova o ekskurziji! Odlucila sam ubaciti koji komad zimske odjece. Mrzim ovo vrijeme, iako sam rođena u ovom mjesecu, ali sta je - tu je. O kakvom je komadu rijec vec ste mogli zakljuciti. Ovaj put nosim sivi H&M kaput koji volim zbog zavrnutih rukava koji ne idu do kraja. Majicu i hlace ste vec vidjeli ( izvinite zbog toga). Torba koju sam nosila je ona koju sam mozda samo dva-tri puta nosila do sada. To je Carpisina torba koju sam kupila zbog interesantnog printa koji ima na sebi. Za fotografije, koje su ispale super uprkos ruznom vremenu i blatu, moram se zahvaliti Kenanu Rasinlicu (obavezno mu lajkajte fb stranicu). Javite mi da li vam se sviđa post. Pratite me na instagramu, facebook-u, youtube-u i google plus-u (ostavit ću linkove dole). Srdačan pozdrav!

Finally we’re moving from the posts about the trip! I decided to pull in one piece of winter clothing. I hate this weather, although I was born in this month, but what is - here it is. What kind of piece is it, you could already see. This time I wear gray H & M coat that love for rolled-up sleeves that do not go all the way. Shirt and pants have already seen (sorry about that). I wore this bag perhaps only two or three times. It is Carpisina bag that I bought because of interesting print that it has. I must meantion that for these great photos, which turned out great despite the bad weather and mud, I must thank Kenan Rasinlic (make sure you like his fb page). Let me know if you liked the post. Follow me on instagram, facebook, youtube and google plus (I'll put the links bellow).

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović
YouTube: Iman Karović
My first video --> here
My second video --> here
My third video ---> here

nedjelja, 4. listopada 2015.

AVON Big False Lash mascara!

Hi lovelies! I recently got collaboration with AVON company and their first gift to me was their Big False Lash mascara. I'm getting many compliments about my lashes, so I decided to share with you my opinion about it. The exclusively designed brush follows the natural curve of your eye to get to the root of your lash line. Lasts all day. It's sweat- and waterproof, and also hypoallergenic.

Zdravo dragi moji! Nedavno sam ostvarila saradnju sa AVON kompanijom i njihov prvi poklon meni je bila Big False Lash maskara. U zadnje vrijeme dobijam mnogo komplimenata kada su u pitanju moje trepavice, pa sam odlucila podijeliti sa vama svoje iskustvo! Ekskluzivno dizajnirana cetkica maskare prati prirodni oblik oka kako bi dosla do korijena trepavica. Traje cijeli dan, vodootporna je i hipoalergenska!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović