
ponedjeljak, 9. veljače 2015.

My first post / Moj prvi post

Hello, well I wanted to say "everyone", then I realised I have no followers (lol).
Well, I hope that will change soon.
I've decided to start a blog, because I think it's funy and interesting. But, it's not easy as it looks like. It took me an eternity to edit the blog. And it still doesn't look like I wanted, but I'll get there one day. :/
Anyway, I think you will enjoy my posts, and visit my blog very often. I'm planning to publish fashion, beauty, lifestyle and all kinds of different post tipes. But I will post fashion and beauty ones in general.

Till the next post, with lots of love,

Zdravoo, htjela sam reci "svima", a onda sam se sjetila da me niko ne prati haha.
Nadam se da ce se to uskoro promijeniti.
Odlucila sam pokrenuti blog, zato sto mislim da je to nesto vrlo interesantno. Ali, nije jednostavno kao sto izgleda. Trebala mi je vjecnost da uredim sve, a blog opet ne izgleda onako kako sam planirala. Ali hajde, doci cu jednom i do toga.
U svakom slucaju, mislim da cete uzivati u mom blogu i posjecivati ga cesto. Planiram objavljivati fashion, beauty, lifestyle i razne druge tipove postova, ali cu se bazirati na prva dva.

Do sljedeceg posta, sa mnogo ljubavi,

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