
utorak, 10. veljače 2015.

Most common makeup mistakes / Najčešće makeup greške


If you saw post title and thought: "Not again! Everyone knows how to put makeup properly", I assure you, that's not true.
Well, for many of us, makeup counter is heaven. There are so many different types of beauty products, so many different brands and so many beauty tools. We just can't buy enough! Since Youtube became popular, many girls posted video tutorials to help others avoiding these cosmetic crimes. Anyway, check my list to make sure you aren't committing any of them.

Ako ste vidjeli naslov posta i pomislili: "Ne opet! Svi znamo koristiti šminku", uvjeravam vas da to nije istina.
Za mnoge od nas, stalci sa šminkom su raj. Postoji toliko različitih tipova kozmetičkih proizvoda i brendova. Jednostavno ne možemo kupiti dovoljno! Otkako je Youtube postao popularan, mnoge djevojke širom svijeta su snimile video tutoriale kako bi pomogle  drugima izbjeći ove kozmetičke zločine. U svakom slučaju, pogledajte moju listu i uvjerite se da ne činite nijedan od njih

1. Foundation

There is no more obvious makeup mistake that the wrong foundation color. If your face is in one color, and your neck in other, you're using completely wrong foundation. And if your foundation is visible, chances are you are using wrong color or applying way too much. Why is this mistake very common? Because many woman test foundation on their hands, which are usually a shade or two darker than their faces. Foundation should be tested on your jawline or your neck, and it should disapper into your skin. If you have to blend it, it's not the right one.

Ne postoji ocglednija greska od pogresne boje pudera. Ako vam je lice jedne boje, a vrat druge, koristite potpuno pogresan puder. A ako je puder vidljiv, postoji sansa da stavljate pogresnu nijansu ili nanosite previse. Ova greska je jako cesta zato sto vecina zena pri kupovanju proizvoda, testira puder na ruci, koja je u vecini slucajeva za nijansu ili dvije tamnija od lica. Puder se treba testirati na rubu lica ili vratu, tako da bi se trebala stopiti sa tenom. Ako je morate ublendirati, onda to nije to. 

2. Overlining lips - Prectavanje usana

90 % of girls want bigger and fuller lips. But sometimes they push it over the boundaries. Frankly, I think overlining lips is unnatural and unnecessery, but if you're into that, make sure you do it the right way! First mistake is overlining entire lips! It looks very gross. Second one is using lip gloss over lipstick. Although most of makeup artists do this, it's not right. If you overlined your upper lip, and applied lip gloss, lip gloss is going to make a shadow on your real lip line and it's going to look like that. 

So, best way to overline your lips is to use matte lipstick and matte lip gloss. You can watch awesome tutorial right here.

 90% djevojaka zeli vece i punije usne i nekad jednostavno prekorace sve granice. Iskreno, mislim da je precrtavanje usana neprirodno i nepotrebno, ali ako je to ono sto vas zanima, onda se potrudite da to radite na pravi nacin! Prva greska koju djevojke cine je precrtavanje cijele usne, tako usne izgledaju kao dvije banane, a to je uzasno! Druga je koristenje sjaja za usne poslije karmina. Iako to rade mnogi makeup artisti, ne znaci da je ispravno. Ako ste precrtali gornju usnu i nanijeli sjaj, sjaj ce stvoriti sjenu na svjetlu i vidjet ce se vas pravi rub usne. Najbolji nacin za precrtavanje usana je da se to radi sa mat karminom i mat sjajom. Pogledajte kako ovdje.

3. Eyebrows - Obrve

2014 was the year of eyebrows, and everyone was talking about them and making them perfect. So, of course there are many problems.
Matching your brow color to your hair is problem no. 1, since Instagram is full of brunettes with black eyebrows. Whether it's dye or a brow pencil, picking a shade of brown with a slight that goes with your hair color is usually your best bet. Blondies can go to few shades darker than their hair, that will look more natural. Problem no. 2 is ignoring your natural arch. Please don't do this! Eyebrows are different from person to person, and everyone should follow their natural arch. Just because it's not 45 degree angle arch, doesn't mean there's no arch at all. There are many tutorials for how to bring back your arch if you alredy messed up, so don't worry!

2014. je bila godina obrva i svi su govorili o njima, kao i o tome kakve savrsene obrve trebaju izgledati. Tako da naravno da postoje mnogi problemi sa kojima se zene susrecu. 
S obzirom da je Instagram pun brinete sa potpuno crnim obrvama, prvi problem je prilagodjavanje boje obrva boji kose. Bez obzira da li se radi o sjeni ili olovci, uzimanje smedje sjene sa malo sjene koja ide uz vasi boju kose je sigurni pogodak. Plavuse mogu imati par nijansi tamnije obrve, zato sto vecina prirodnih plavusa ima takvu, pa izgleda prirodnije. Drugi problem je ignorisanje vaseg prirodnog luka. Molim vas nemojte to raditi! Obrve su drugacije kod svakog i svi bi trebali slijediti prirodni luk. Samo zato sto to nije luk od 45 strpeni, ne znaci da ga nema nikako. Postoje mnogi tutoriali o tome kako vratiti prirodni luk, ako ste vec zabrljali, tako da se ne brinite !

4. Clumpy mascara - Maskara sa grudvicama

Mascara is intended to thicken and lengthen the eyelashes, drawing attention to the eyes to make them look bigger and more dramatic. Mascara comes in many brands and forms -- waterproof, smudgeproof, colored, clear, plumping, lengthening, and on and on. When applied properly, mascara gives you a sexy, long-lashed look. But when applied improperly, it just makes you look like a smudged-up mess.
The most common mistake is applying clumpy mascara. This happens when you put on too much, or your mascara is too old. Try using an eyelash comb to separate the lashes and get rid of the excess. And replace old mascara; it's only meant to last three to four months. Another problem is wearing a mascara color too dark or too extreme for your coloring. Your mascara should be two or three shades darker than your eyebrow color, and no more.

Maskara je napravljena da bi produzila i podebljala trepavice, kako bi privukla pozornost ocima i napravila da izgledaju vece i dramaticnije. Maskara dolazi u mnogim bendovima i formama-vodootporna, bezgrudvica, u boji, itd. Ali, kad se pogresno nanese, nacini da izgledate kao zgrudvani nered. Najcesca greska je nanosenje maskare sa grudvicama. To se desava jer ste nanijeli previse maskare ili jer koristite staru maskaru. Pokusajte koristiti cesalj za trepavice kako biste ih razdvojili ili kupite novu maskaru! Maskara je napravljena da traje 
4 mjeseca. Jos jedna cesta pogreska je nanosenje pretamne maskare u 
odnosu na vas ten i boju obrva i kose. Maskara treba biti samo dvije-tri 
nijanse tamnija, ne vise!

 5. Over-application of Blush - Previše rumenila

Too much of anything is overwhelming. This includes your blush.
Follow these tips (along with our blending advice) to make your blush look as flattering as possible:
- If you want the flushed look, smile and apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks.
- If you want a more structured look, follow your cheekbones and then blend the blush upward to avoid creating stripes. The thing with blush is that you can always add more.
- But if you've been a little overzealous in the application, try adding a little loose powder over the cheek to tone it down. Or gently wipe it away with a tissue. If it's a cream blush, try gently removing the excess with a clean makeup sponge.

Previse bilo cega je uzasno. To ukljucuje i vase rumenilo. 
Pratite ove korake ( zajedno sa savjetom za blendiranje), kako bi rumenilo izgledalo savrseno na vama. 
- Ako zelite blagi rumeni trag, nasmijte se i nanesite rumenilo na jagodice. 
- Ako zelite vise definiran izgled pratite liniju ispod jagodica i blendirajte prema gore da izbjegnete moguce stvaranje linija. 
- Ako ste pretjerali sa rumenilom, nanesite malo pudera u prahu preko kako biste to ublazili. 
Mozete i njezno obrisati maramicom, a ako je krem 
rumenilo, mozete ukloniti njeznim pritiskanjem 
cistom spuzvom.

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