
četvrtak, 12. veljače 2015.

Quick look at my makeup case! - Šta se nalazi u mojoj makeup torbici?

Hello! I decided what should my new post be, and here we are.
I'm going to start with my makeup case. This one (in the picture) is from Oriflame and I looove it. Only thing that bothers me is the size of it. I'ts too small. I have to put my makeup in three different cases, but it is handy when you want to bring your makeup with you on a trip.

Zdravo! Odlučila sam šta će mi biti novi post, i evo nas.
Počet ću sa makeup torbicom. Ova (sa slike) je iz Oriflame-a i obožaaavam je. Jedino što mi smeta u vezi nje je što je mala. Moram šminku staviti u tri torbice, ali je super kad morate najosnovniju šminku ponijeti negdje sa sobom.

1. Foundation - Osnova

Well, couple months ago, my dad bought me Chanel makeup package and I know it's expensive and everyone is happy with it. I'm not very satistfied because it doesn't last long enough.

Prije nekoliko mjeseci, tata mi je poklonio paket sa Chanel šminkom. Znam da je jako skupa i da je svi hvale, ali ja nisam zadovoljna sa time koliko traje. A i koža izgleda kao porculan.

The one I would recommend to all of you is Bourjois foundation radiance reveal healthy mix. I've been using it for a year now and it's amazing! It's not closing your pores and it's barely visible on skin. 

 Ono što bih svima preporučila je Bourjois foundation radiance reveal healthy mix. Koristim ga već godinu dana i savršen je! Ne zatvara pore i jedva je vidljiv na koži.

 2. Concealers - Korektori

The one I'm pretty much happy with is Max Factor's Pan Stick. It's handy and long lasting.
Onaj sa kojim sam prilično zadovoljna je Max Factor-ov Pan Stick. Jednostavan je za korištenje i dugotrajan.

Even though I love this Pan Stick, I prefere Max Factor Mastertouch Concealer. It's liquid, so it's easier to blend.
 Iako volim korektore u sticku, preferiram tečne. I favorit je Max Factor Mastertouch Concealer. S obzirom da je tečan, lakše ga je ublendirati.

3. Bronzer and blush - Bronzer i rumenilo

Oriflame again! Well, I absolutelly love their Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls. And they come with a brush!
 Oriflame ponovo! Naprosto volim njihove Giordani Gold Bronzing kuglice. A dođu sa četkom!

The only thing I like from the package is Chanel Pink Explosion Blush. I recommend it to everyone.
Jedina stvar koja mi se svidjela iz cijelog paketa je Chanel Pink Explosion rumenilo. Preporučujem ga svima.

 4. Mascara

Usually, I find it very difficult to find mascara I like. I have couple of them in my makeup collection, and I can't mark off one that's very good. I use them alternately, so I don't have mascara I stick to. These are kinda decent.

 Inače mi je jako teško naći maskaru koja mi odgovara. Imam ih nekoliko i ne mogu izdvojiti nijednu koja je jako dobra. Koristim ih naizmjenično, tako da nemam onu koju jedino koristim. Ove su onako prosječne.

5. Eyeshadows - Sjenila

I use eyeshadows very rarely, so I only have those that came in the package.
 Chanel Ombre Perlees Eyeshadow Palette
 Sjene skoro nikad ne koristim, tako da imam samo one što su došle u paketu.

 6. Lipsticks

I'M OBSESSED WITH LIPSTICKS! I have many of them, so I'll bring up only my favorites.
OPSJEDNUTA SAM KARMINIMA! Imam ih mali milion, i zato ću navesti samo najdraže.

 Rimmel Kate Matte Lipstick Kiss Of Life

Rimmel Kate 105 Lipstick

Rimmel Tower Of Mauve

Oriflame Ravishing Rose Lipstick

Oriflame Beauty Wonder Balm

Chanel Red Lipstick Dark Skin

7. Eyebrow Kit - Sjena za obrve

I usually don't thick my eyebrows because I don't have to, but when I need to fix something, I use Oriflame Eyebrows Kit. It's very easy to use, and for those that don't know how to, it comes with instructions.
Ja inače ne podebljavam obrve jer ne moram, ali kad trebam nešto popraviti, koristim Oriflame Eyebrows Set. Jednostavno ga je koristiti i za one koji ne znaju kako, dolazi sa uputstvom.

That would be all, thanks for reading! :)
To bi bilo sve, hvala na čitanju. :) 

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