
utorak, 14. srpnja 2015.

Azure blue


I promised a post about my hair, coloring my hair and products about it. So these two posts are going to be about that. I usually never dye my hair but i had this crazy period when I wanted to have something different and I decided to dye my hair azure blue! I did only two highlights and in the back of my hair so I could hide it and show it when I want. Although when I did it once, I fell in love with them and I've done this couple times. I hope you'll like it. xo

Obecala sam post o svojoj kosi, farbanju kose i proizvodima koje koristim. Pa ce ovaj i iduci post biti o tome. Inace nikad ne farbam kosu, ali sam imala jedan ludi period kada sam htjela uraditi nesto drugacije, pa sam uradila dva pramena plave boje! Uradila sam samo dva, i to na dnu kose kako bih to mogla sakriti i pokazati kada zelim. Kad sam ih prvi put uradila, zaljubila sam se u njih i uradila sam ih vise puta. Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti. Lijep pozdrav!

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