
srijeda, 30. rujna 2015.

Barcelona, Loret de mar

Konacno smo stigli u prelijepu Barcelonu, vidjeli divnu Sagrada Familiju i stadion kluba Barcelona. Grad je i vise nego divan, i proveli smo skoro cijeli dan tamo. Nosila sam Only majicu sa cvijetnim uzorkom i H&M duboki sorc, koji rijetko nosim. Sve ostalo ste vec vidjeli. Moram pozuriti sa postovima, tako da cu po dva strpati u jedan. Valjda mi necete zamjeriti.

Finally we arrived in beautiful Barcelona, saw the wonderful Sagrada Familia and FC Barcelona's stadium. The city is more than wonderful, and we spent the whole day there. I wore Only T-shirt with floral pattern and H & M deep shorts, which I rarely wear. All the rest you have already seen. I have to hurry with posts, so I'll put two into one. I hope you won't mind.

U Loret de Maru smo bili 4 noci i malo je reci da smo se lijepo proveli. Slike su napravljene na nekoj tvrđavi koju smo mi djevojke neplanirano posjetile. Iznenađene ljepotom koju smo vidjele, morale smo se tu slikati haha. Nisam odjevena nesto posebno na ovim slikama, nosim obicnu Dolce&Gabanna providnu majicu sa logoima i sorc koji stvarno ne znam gdje sam kupila. Nadam se da su vam se svidjele slike. Ocekujte jos jedan post u koji cu "utrpati" ovako jos jedan, kao i zadnji video sa ekskurzije, a onda back2school postove. Do tada, ljubim vas!

We were 4 nights in Lloret de Mar and it is unnecesary to say that we had a great time. Pictures are made on a fortress that we girls unexpectedly visited. Surprised by the beauty that we saw, we had to take pictures there. I'm not wearing anything special in these pictures, I wore Dolce & Gabanna transparent T-shirt with the logos and shorts that I do not really know where I bought. I hope you liked the pictures. Expect another 2 in 1 post, as well as the latest video from a school trip, and then back2school posts. Until then, I love you!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

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