
četvrtak, 8. listopada 2015.

Start of the fall 2015

Konacno se micemo sa postova o ekskurziji! Odlucila sam ubaciti koji komad zimske odjece. Mrzim ovo vrijeme, iako sam rođena u ovom mjesecu, ali sta je - tu je. O kakvom je komadu rijec vec ste mogli zakljuciti. Ovaj put nosim sivi H&M kaput koji volim zbog zavrnutih rukava koji ne idu do kraja. Majicu i hlace ste vec vidjeli ( izvinite zbog toga). Torba koju sam nosila je ona koju sam mozda samo dva-tri puta nosila do sada. To je Carpisina torba koju sam kupila zbog interesantnog printa koji ima na sebi. Za fotografije, koje su ispale super uprkos ruznom vremenu i blatu, moram se zahvaliti Kenanu Rasinlicu (obavezno mu lajkajte fb stranicu). Javite mi da li vam se sviđa post. Pratite me na instagramu, facebook-u, youtube-u i google plus-u (ostavit ću linkove dole). Srdačan pozdrav!

Finally we’re moving from the posts about the trip! I decided to pull in one piece of winter clothing. I hate this weather, although I was born in this month, but what is - here it is. What kind of piece is it, you could already see. This time I wear gray H & M coat that love for rolled-up sleeves that do not go all the way. Shirt and pants have already seen (sorry about that). I wore this bag perhaps only two or three times. It is Carpisina bag that I bought because of interesting print that it has. I must meantion that for these great photos, which turned out great despite the bad weather and mud, I must thank Kenan Rasinlic (make sure you like his fb page). Let me know if you liked the post. Follow me on instagram, facebook, youtube and google plus (I'll put the links bellow).

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović
YouTube: Iman Karović
My first video --> here
My second video --> here
My third video ---> here

nedjelja, 4. listopada 2015.

AVON Big False Lash mascara!

Hi lovelies! I recently got collaboration with AVON company and their first gift to me was their Big False Lash mascara. I'm getting many compliments about my lashes, so I decided to share with you my opinion about it. The exclusively designed brush follows the natural curve of your eye to get to the root of your lash line. Lasts all day. It's sweat- and waterproof, and also hypoallergenic.

Zdravo dragi moji! Nedavno sam ostvarila saradnju sa AVON kompanijom i njihov prvi poklon meni je bila Big False Lash maskara. U zadnje vrijeme dobijam mnogo komplimenata kada su u pitanju moje trepavice, pa sam odlucila podijeliti sa vama svoje iskustvo! Ekskluzivno dizajnirana cetkica maskare prati prirodni oblik oka kako bi dosla do korijena trepavica. Traje cijeli dan, vodootporna je i hipoalergenska!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

srijeda, 30. rujna 2015.

Barcelona, Loret de mar

Konacno smo stigli u prelijepu Barcelonu, vidjeli divnu Sagrada Familiju i stadion kluba Barcelona. Grad je i vise nego divan, i proveli smo skoro cijeli dan tamo. Nosila sam Only majicu sa cvijetnim uzorkom i H&M duboki sorc, koji rijetko nosim. Sve ostalo ste vec vidjeli. Moram pozuriti sa postovima, tako da cu po dva strpati u jedan. Valjda mi necete zamjeriti.

Finally we arrived in beautiful Barcelona, saw the wonderful Sagrada Familia and FC Barcelona's stadium. The city is more than wonderful, and we spent the whole day there. I wore Only T-shirt with floral pattern and H & M deep shorts, which I rarely wear. All the rest you have already seen. I have to hurry with posts, so I'll put two into one. I hope you won't mind.

U Loret de Maru smo bili 4 noci i malo je reci da smo se lijepo proveli. Slike su napravljene na nekoj tvrđavi koju smo mi djevojke neplanirano posjetile. Iznenađene ljepotom koju smo vidjele, morale smo se tu slikati haha. Nisam odjevena nesto posebno na ovim slikama, nosim obicnu Dolce&Gabanna providnu majicu sa logoima i sorc koji stvarno ne znam gdje sam kupila. Nadam se da su vam se svidjele slike. Ocekujte jos jedan post u koji cu "utrpati" ovako jos jedan, kao i zadnji video sa ekskurzije, a onda back2school postove. Do tada, ljubim vas!

We were 4 nights in Lloret de Mar and it is unnecesary to say that we had a great time. Pictures are made on a fortress that we girls unexpectedly visited. Surprised by the beauty that we saw, we had to take pictures there. I'm not wearing anything special in these pictures, I wore Dolce & Gabanna transparent T-shirt with the logos and shorts that I do not really know where I bought. I hope you liked the pictures. Expect another 2 in 1 post, as well as the latest video from a school trip, and then back2school posts. Until then, I love you!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

utorak, 29. rujna 2015.

Beautiful Verona, sunny Lido di Jesolo

A new post from the road to Spain! After Venice, we were in Verona, which I think is the most beautiful city in the world (after Sarajevo, of course), and then in sunny Lido di Jesolo where we unfortunately were very short. Enjoying mid-September in this beautiful resort, when there's no crowds is something indescribable. I was lucky that I was in a short Only sundress. I wore new shoes with the scorpio sign, which I managed to destroy until the end of the trip and my already familiar Louis Vuitton Noe bag. We walked around the city and sat on the sidewalk in a park because we all couldn't sit down on the bench, so passersby laughed at us. We were having a great time, so it is less important. 

I hope you liked the post, I announced a new clip, I'll leave the link below, if you want to see. Expect more posts soon and the video. Until then, hugs and kisses!

Novi nastavak postova sa puta u Spaniju! Nakon Venecije smo bili u Veroni, koji je po meni najljepsi grad na svijetu (poslije Sarajeva naravno), a nakon toga u suncani Lido di Jesolo u kojem smo nazalost bili kratko. Uzivati sredinom septembra u ovako lijepom ljetovalistu, kada i nema guzve je nesto neopisivo. Sreca pa sam bila u kratkoj Only ljetnoj haljinici, pa sam mogla bar donekle uci u vodu. Nosila sam nove sandale sa znakom skorpije, koje sam uspjela razvaliti do kraja ekskurzije i uz to vec poznatu Louis Vuitton Noe torbu. Setali smo po gradu i sjeli na trotoar u jednom parku jer nismo svi mogli sjesti na klupe, tako da su nam se i prolaznici smijali. Mada je nama bilo super, pa je to manje vazno.

Nadam se da vam se svidio post, objavila sam novi video, ostavit cu link dole, ako ga zelite vidjeti. Ocekujte ubrzo jos koji post i video sa povratka kuci. Do tada, lijep pozdrav!

srijeda, 23. rujna 2015.

Starting trip in Venice

After a long break, coming to you again! We started the trip in Venice, the beautiful city in which I was already a couple of times. However, despite I already was there, every time I'm surprised by the beauty of this city and every time I find something I haven't seen before. After visiting this beautiful city and listening to its history, you cannot stay indifferent. I could not go without marking few moments with photographs. I wanted to wear something comfortable, so I decided to wear something that I feel very good in, and it's not sweatpants. I wore H & M shorts that I bought for this beautiful fat, and simple H & M cotton shirt that goes with all. I had brought along a bigger bag, into which I can put things that I need for the whole day we were there, so I chose my favorite bag, Louis Vuitton Noe bag big, I probably wear the most. That would be it for this post, thank you for reading!

Nakon duge pauze, javljam vam se ponovo. Put od deset dana smo poceli u Veneciji, prelijepom gradu u kojem sam bila vec par puta. Međutim, koliko god da sam bila tamo, svaki put se iznova iznenadim ljepoti koju ovaj grad nosi i svaki put nađem nesto sto prije nisam vidjela. Nakon posjete ovom lijepom gradu i slusanja njegove historije, ne mozete ostati ravnodusni. Nisam mogla otici, a da ne zabiljezim koji momenat fotografijom. Gledala sam da u putu nosim nesto udobno, pa sam trazila da obucem nesto u cemu se lijepo osjecam, a da to nije trenerka. Nosila sam H&M sorc koji sam kupila zbog ove prelijepe masne, i jednostavnu H&M pamucnu majicu koja ide na sve. Morala sam ponijeti i neku vecu torbu, u koju mi mogu stati stvari koje mi trebaju za cijeli dan koji smo tamo proveli, pa sam izabrala svoju najdrazu torbu, Louis Vuitton big Noe bag, koju najvise i nosim. To bi bilo to za ovaj post, hvala vam na citanju!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović