
srijeda, 23. rujna 2015.

Starting trip in Venice

After a long break, coming to you again! We started the trip in Venice, the beautiful city in which I was already a couple of times. However, despite I already was there, every time I'm surprised by the beauty of this city and every time I find something I haven't seen before. After visiting this beautiful city and listening to its history, you cannot stay indifferent. I could not go without marking few moments with photographs. I wanted to wear something comfortable, so I decided to wear something that I feel very good in, and it's not sweatpants. I wore H & M shorts that I bought for this beautiful fat, and simple H & M cotton shirt that goes with all. I had brought along a bigger bag, into which I can put things that I need for the whole day we were there, so I chose my favorite bag, Louis Vuitton Noe bag big, I probably wear the most. That would be it for this post, thank you for reading!

Nakon duge pauze, javljam vam se ponovo. Put od deset dana smo poceli u Veneciji, prelijepom gradu u kojem sam bila vec par puta. Međutim, koliko god da sam bila tamo, svaki put se iznova iznenadim ljepoti koju ovaj grad nosi i svaki put nađem nesto sto prije nisam vidjela. Nakon posjete ovom lijepom gradu i slusanja njegove historije, ne mozete ostati ravnodusni. Nisam mogla otici, a da ne zabiljezim koji momenat fotografijom. Gledala sam da u putu nosim nesto udobno, pa sam trazila da obucem nesto u cemu se lijepo osjecam, a da to nije trenerka. Nosila sam H&M sorc koji sam kupila zbog ove prelijepe masne, i jednostavnu H&M pamucnu majicu koja ide na sve. Morala sam ponijeti i neku vecu torbu, u koju mi mogu stati stvari koje mi trebaju za cijeli dan koji smo tamo proveli, pa sam izabrala svoju najdrazu torbu, Louis Vuitton big Noe bag, koju najvise i nosim. To bi bilo to za ovaj post, hvala vam na citanju!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

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