
srijeda, 2. rujna 2015.

Taffy pink H&M skirt

Hello people! Summer is slipping away, and I just cannot accept that. Although it is still very warm, I am aware that bad weather is coming, and that I do not like. Although I never got to wear new skirts, only this one here and skirt from one of the previous posts (here), I'll leave them for the next year in the hope that I will be able to wear them. I wear H & M skirt whose colors I adore, I love this otherwise bright colors and I think that made for summer. This Only top with straps is something enjoyed wearing this summer, although at first I thought it would be too hot in it. I like the contrast of colors of this combination and I had to post it. Right now I'm pretty sick, so I hope that I will soon be better and publish more posts. Thanks for reading and see you next time.

Zdravo ljudi! Ljeto nam izmice, i ja to nikako ne mogu da prihvatim. Iako je jos uvijek jako toplo, svjesna sam da tmurno vrijeme dolazi, a to mi se nikako ne sviđa. Iako nikako nisam stigla nositi svoje nove suknjice, samo ovu i onu sa jednog od proslih postova (ovdje), ostavit cu ih za iducu godinu u nadi da cu ih moci obuci. Nosim H&M suknjicu cije boje obozavam, inace volim ovako jake boje i smatram da su stvorene za ljeto. Ovaj Only majicica sa bretelama je nesto u cemu sam uzivala ovo ljeto, iako sam isprva mislila da ce biti pretoplo u njoj. Sviđa mi se kontrast boja ove kombinacije i nesto bi mi bilo da je nisam slikala. Trenutno sam prilicno bolesna, pa se nadam da cu brzo biti bolje i objavljivati jos postova. Hvala na citanju i vidimo se iduci put.

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

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