
nedjelja, 23. kolovoza 2015.

Airport Sarajevo

No, I am not going anywhere, if you wondered. I posed in the awful sunny weatherit narrowed my eyes and the images are not succeeded because of the sun. But what's done is done. I wear Berskha pants with your favorite I-can't-remember-which-designer-bcs-I-cut-label-mark dark blue shirt with lace and Berskha jacket. With all that I wear Armani Jeans bag and white ConverseIn a hurry I did not get to put jewelry , only this necklace. I hope you like the post, until the next, hugs and kisses!

Ne, nisam se zaputila negdje, ako ste se to pitali hahaha. Slikala sam se u uzasno suncano vrijeme, suzile su mi oci i slike nisu uspjevale zbog sunca. Ali, sta je tu je. Nosim Berskha hlace sa najdrazom ne-mogu-se-sjetiti-koji-dizajner-jer-sam-odrezala-etiketu teget kosuljom sa cipkom i Berskha jaknom. Sve to nosim sa Armani Jeans torbom i bijelim starkicama. Nakit u zurbi nisam stigla staviti, jedino ovu ogrlicu. Nadam se da vam se sviđa post, do iduceg, lijep pozdrav!
Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović
YouTube: Iman Karović
My first video --> here
My second video --> here 

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