
ponedjeljak, 10. kolovoza 2015.

Baggy Pieces

Hi ! These pics are taken very near my building, at the place where I used to spend hours hanging out with my friends. I was very lazy today and my new shoes are very uncomfortable, so that's why I look unhappy. Despite all that, I decided to wear black and white! I'm wearing a Have2have black lace top with Pieces black and white carrot pants, Celine bag and black ankle strap shoes I bought in Office Shoes. I got these pants recently from my family in Denmark ( Pieces doesn't have shop here in Bosnia). I'm very gratefull since I'm not used to wearing baggy things. This might change that. I have to meantion beautiful Geneva watch I got from my boyfriend. However, I hope you'll like my post. Till the next one, xoxo.
BAG: Celine

Zdravo! Slike su napravljene u blizini moje zgrade, na mjestu na kojem sam nekada provodila sate i sate druzeci se sa prijateljima. Danas sam bila jako lijena i nesretna jer su mi nove sandale jako neudobne. Uprkos svemu sam odlucila nositi crno i bijelo! Nosim Have2have crni top sa Pieces hlacama, Celine torbom i crnim sandalama koje sam nedavno kupila u Office Shoes-u. Ove hlače sam nedavno dobila od porodice iz Danske ( Pieces u Bosni nema svoju prodavnicu). Zahvalna sam s obzirom da nisam navikla nositi široke stvari, možda se to i promijeni. Moram spomenuti prelijepi Geneva sat koji sam dobila od svog momka. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti post. Do idućeg, xoxo!
TORBA: Celine

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