
četvrtak, 30. srpnja 2015.

Elle dress

I recently bought a new dress, I liked it when I saw it, but when I got home with it, I thought I would never wear it. My mom made me pack it with other things when I was packing for vacation, convincing me I'm going to like it. She was right. The thing I like about this Elle dress is knitted back. Besides that, the dress is very comfortable. I hope you'll like this post, till the next time... xoxo!

 Nedavno sam kupila novu haljinu, koja mi se svidjela u prodavnici, ali cim sam je donijela kuci, mislila sam da je necu nikad nositi ( kao vecinu svojih stvari). Mama me natjerala da je ponesem kad sam se pakovala za odmor, uvjeravajuci me da ce mi se svidjeti. Bila je upravu. Ono sto mi se najvise svidja na ovoj Elle haljini je pleteni dezen na ledjima, a pored toga je i jako udobna. Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti post, do iduceg puta, lijep pozdrav!
FOLLOW ME:  Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

srijeda, 22. srpnja 2015.

Little black dress

Hello my lovelies! Since we went on sea with friends, I decided to rest from social media, which is the reason I haven't post anything (my phone battery lasted three days!). But, long story short, we had such a great time and this is what I wore on that special evening. My Second Female dark blue dress I bought two years ago (and never wore before) seemed so lovely with my new Celia pink shoes, and new Valentino bag. Especially with this beautiful view. Hope you'll like it.

Zdravo najdraži! S obzirom na to da smo išli na more sa prijateljima, odlučila sam se odmoriti od društvenih mreža i zato nisam postavljala ništa. Da skratim, bilo nam je i više nego dobro, a ovo je ono što sam nosila tu večer. Moja Second Female teget haljina, koju sam kupila prije dvije godine (i nikad nosila) je izgledala lijepo sa mojim novim Celia cipelama i novom Valentino torbom. Prelijep pogled je samo začinio sve, nadam se da će vam se svidjeti!
FOLLOW ME:  Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović

četvrtak, 16. srpnja 2015.

Roman bridge

Hi guys! I didn't know what would be location where I would take my photos, and my friend suggested me Roman bridge near Sarajevo. The last time I went there was when I was like 11, and I completely forgot how beautiful that place is. Because it's tucked away in nature, not many people pass across it. The place is so quiet and perfect to take pictures. For my outfit I chose this white pencil skirt with white top, because when they're combined, they look like a dress. You'll see pictures with and without Bershka blue shirt (with white polka dots). I find it very classy without the shirt, but with it, I think this could be something you could wear everyday. Anyway, there's my new bag (here)! That will be all for this post, hope you liked it.
Hugs and kisses!

Zdravo ljudii! Nisam znala gdje da se slikam za ovaj post, pa mi je prijatelj preporučio Rimski most u blizini Sarajeva. Zadnji put sam tamo bila kad mi je bilo 11, pa sam potpuno zaboravila koliko je to mjesto ustvari lijepo. Most je ušuškan u prelijepu prirodu, pa i ne prođe mnogo ljudi preko njega. Mjesto je mirno, tiho i savršeno za slikanje. Za outfit sam izabrala bijelu pencil suknju sa bijelim topom, zato što zajedno izgledaju kao haljina. Vidjet ćete slike sa i bez plave Bershka košulje (sa bijelim polka tačkama). Mislim da je sve mnogo elegantnije bez košulje, ali je sa košuljom ono što bi se moglo nositi i svaki dan.
Uglavnom, tu je i moja nova torba (ovdje). To bi bilo sve za ovaj put, nadam se da vam se svidjelo.
Hugs and kisses!

srijeda, 15. srpnja 2015.

Hair products I use on a daily basic

So, this time I'm going to write about my hair products. You must know that not everything is good for everyone and these might not suit you, but I've been using them for years now and I'm pretty satisfied.

Ovog puta ću govoriti o proizvodima koje koristim za kosu. Prije svega, treba da znate da ne odgovara sve svima i da ovo što ja koristim možda vama neće odgovarati, ali ja to koristim već godinama i prilično sam zadovoljna.

I'm using only SYOSS products when it comes to my hair. I was searching for suitable hair products very long and these are best ones I found till now. As you can see, I use KERATIN Hair Perfection and I think this is something that should be good to everyone. If you want to check out Syoss products and find ones for your hair type, you can do it here.

Ja koristim samo SYOSS proizvode kad se raddi o mojoj kosi. Dugo sam tražila odgovarajuće proizvode i ovo su najbolji koje sam našla do sada. Kao što možete vidjeti, koristim KERATIN Hair Perfection  i mislim da je ovo nešto univerzalno i nešto što bi trebalo odgovarati svima. Ako želite pogledati Syoss proizvode i naći one koji vama odgovaraju, možete to uraditi ovdje.

 This is what I use for oil treating hair. I use it only on the ends of my hair and I'm very happy with it.
Ovo je ono što koristim kad je riječ o uljnom tretmanu kose, koristim ga samo na vrhovima i veoma sam zadovoljna.

I was using SYOSS Heat-protecting Styling Spray (here) to protect my hair from heat for very long and I was obsessed with it, but I sudendly couldn't buy it here in Bosnia (it's not available here anymore). So, I had to find new heat protector and I did. It's BALEA Trend It Up Heat-protecting Hair Spray. I think the  SYOSS Heat-protecting Spray is better, but this one isn't that bad either.

Dugo sam koristila SYOSS Heat-protecting Styling Spray (ovdje) da zaštitim kosu i bila sam opsjednuta njime, ali ga odjenom ovdje u BiH više nisam mogla kupiti. Pa sam morala naći novi spray za zaštitu i jesam. Sad koristim BALEA Trend It Up Heat-protecting Hair Spray. Mislim da je SYOSS-ov puno bolji, ali ni ovaj nije loš.

That's all, thanks for reading!
To bi bilo sve, hvala na čitanju!

utorak, 14. srpnja 2015.

Azure blue


I promised a post about my hair, coloring my hair and products about it. So these two posts are going to be about that. I usually never dye my hair but i had this crazy period when I wanted to have something different and I decided to dye my hair azure blue! I did only two highlights and in the back of my hair so I could hide it and show it when I want. Although when I did it once, I fell in love with them and I've done this couple times. I hope you'll like it. xo

Obecala sam post o svojoj kosi, farbanju kose i proizvodima koje koristim. Pa ce ovaj i iduci post biti o tome. Inace nikad ne farbam kosu, ali sam imala jedan ludi period kada sam htjela uraditi nesto drugacije, pa sam uradila dva pramena plave boje! Uradila sam samo dva, i to na dnu kose kako bih to mogla sakriti i pokazati kada zelim. Kad sam ih prvi put uradila, zaljubila sam se u njih i uradila sam ih vise puta. Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti. Lijep pozdrav!