
nedjelja, 23. kolovoza 2015.

Airport Sarajevo

No, I am not going anywhere, if you wondered. I posed in the awful sunny weatherit narrowed my eyes and the images are not succeeded because of the sun. But what's done is done. I wear Berskha pants with your favorite I-can't-remember-which-designer-bcs-I-cut-label-mark dark blue shirt with lace and Berskha jacket. With all that I wear Armani Jeans bag and white ConverseIn a hurry I did not get to put jewelry , only this necklace. I hope you like the post, until the next, hugs and kisses!

Ne, nisam se zaputila negdje, ako ste se to pitali hahaha. Slikala sam se u uzasno suncano vrijeme, suzile su mi oci i slike nisu uspjevale zbog sunca. Ali, sta je tu je. Nosim Berskha hlace sa najdrazom ne-mogu-se-sjetiti-koji-dizajner-jer-sam-odrezala-etiketu teget kosuljom sa cipkom i Berskha jaknom. Sve to nosim sa Armani Jeans torbom i bijelim starkicama. Nakit u zurbi nisam stigla staviti, jedino ovu ogrlicu. Nadam se da vam se sviđa post, do iduceg, lijep pozdrav!
Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović
YouTube: Iman Karović
My first video --> here
My second video --> here 

petak, 14. kolovoza 2015.

Boyfriend style

It's me again! This time the post is specific, images of it are made on a ruin. Specifically, this ruin was once a kindergarten. The building collapsed before 20 years and it's very dear to me, because I used to spend hours on the roof with friends. A lot of memories connect me to this place, so I knew that one post will have to be made right there. I think this is the perfect place to take a picture for this combination. This time you see me in the loose and colorful edition. I wear Bershka ripped pants, which I love very much. I wear them with a blouse I stole from my bestie, Celia shoes and Armani Jeans bag. If there wasn't shoes and handbag, I would look like a real little boy. I hope you follow my posts, until the next, best regards!

Opet ja! Ovaj put vam se javljam sa postom, za koji su slike napravljene na jednoj rusevini. Naime, ova rusevina je nekada bila obdaniste. Zgrada je obrusena vec nekih 20 godina i meni jako draga, zato sto sam nekad na krovu provodila sate i sate sa prijateljima. Mnogo me uspomena veze za ovo mjesto, pa sam znala da ce jedan post morati biti napravljen bas tu. Smatram da je mjesto savrseno za slikanje ove kombinacije. Ovaj put me vidite u sirokom i sarenom izdanju. Nosim Bershka poderane hlace, koje voooooolim najvise na svijetu. Nosim ih sa ukradenom bluzom moje bestie, Celia cipelama i Armani Jeans torbom. Da nije cipela i torbe, izgledala bih kao pravi mali djecak. Nadam se da cete pratiti moje postove, do iduceg, lijep pozdrav!

Instagram: iman.karovic
Google +: Iman Karović


ponedjeljak, 10. kolovoza 2015.

Baggy Pieces

Hi ! These pics are taken very near my building, at the place where I used to spend hours hanging out with my friends. I was very lazy today and my new shoes are very uncomfortable, so that's why I look unhappy. Despite all that, I decided to wear black and white! I'm wearing a Have2have black lace top with Pieces black and white carrot pants, Celine bag and black ankle strap shoes I bought in Office Shoes. I got these pants recently from my family in Denmark ( Pieces doesn't have shop here in Bosnia). I'm very gratefull since I'm not used to wearing baggy things. This might change that. I have to meantion beautiful Geneva watch I got from my boyfriend. However, I hope you'll like my post. Till the next one, xoxo.
BAG: Celine

Zdravo! Slike su napravljene u blizini moje zgrade, na mjestu na kojem sam nekada provodila sate i sate druzeci se sa prijateljima. Danas sam bila jako lijena i nesretna jer su mi nove sandale jako neudobne. Uprkos svemu sam odlucila nositi crno i bijelo! Nosim Have2have crni top sa Pieces hlacama, Celine torbom i crnim sandalama koje sam nedavno kupila u Office Shoes-u. Ove hlače sam nedavno dobila od porodice iz Danske ( Pieces u Bosni nema svoju prodavnicu). Zahvalna sam s obzirom da nisam navikla nositi široke stvari, možda se to i promijeni. Moram spomenuti prelijepi Geneva sat koji sam dobila od svog momka. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti post. Do idućeg, xoxo!
TORBA: Celine

FOLLOW ME:  Instagram: iman.karovic 
Google +: Iman Karović

srijeda, 5. kolovoza 2015.

All white everything

Hello everyone, this time I'm in night out outfit! It's very simple but effective. I'm wearing Terranova top, Tally Weijl jeans and H&M vest with my already known Valentino bag and Celia shoes. These are my favorite colors and you'll see me wearing them very often. When it comes to my jewelry, I picked Tally Weijl white necklace and Bershka rings. I love everything about this outfit and I hope you'll like it. I have to mention this time, beautiful Sejla, who did nails on my arms and legs! Thank you for reading, make sure to keep up with my posts. Till next one, hugs and kisses!!!

Zdravo svima! Ovaj put sam u izdanju za izlazak hahaha. Jako je jednostavno, ali i efektivno. Nosim Terranova bijeli top, Tally Weijl hlace i H&M prslucic sa vec poznatom Valentino torbom i Celia cipelama. Ovo su mi najdraze boje, tako da cete me cesto vidjati u njima. Sto se tice nakita, odabrala sam Tally Weijl bijelu ogrlicu i Bershka prstenje. Sve mi se svidja kada je u pitanju ova kombinacija, pa se nadam da ce se i vama svidjeti. Ne mogu objaviti post a da ne spomenem moju prelijepu Sejlu, koja mi je radila nokte na rukama i nogama. Hvala vam na citanju, nadam se da cete pratiti i iduce postove. Do iduceg, lijep pozdrav!!!

 Follow me on:            Instagram: iman.karovic
                                     Google +: Iman Karović

nedjelja, 2. kolovoza 2015.

Belissima maxi

Hello guys! I recently bought this Bellissima maxi dress, and I fell in love with it, but I only wore it once. It's very comfortable, but the only thing I don't like about it is that the dress is little bit see-through. Anyway, I think it's perfect for summer, bcs the best part of the dress is the blue pattern on the bottom which reminds me on sea. I can't write this post without mentioning the bracelet my friend brought me from Italy. Well, my lovelies, I hope you liked this post. Till the next one, hugs and kisses!

Zdravoo! Nedavno sam kupila ovu Bellissima maxi haljinu i odusevljena sam njome, ali sam je nosila samo jednom. Jako je udobna i lagana za nositi, ali ono sto mi se ne sviđa u vezi nje je sto je malo providna. Kako god, smatram da je savrsena za ljeto, jer je najbolji dio haljine upravo plavi dezen na dnu koji podsjeca na more. Ne mogu napisati post, a da ne spomenem narukvicu koju mi je prijateljica donijela iz Italije. Voljeni, nadam se da vam se sviđa post. Do iduceg, lijep pozdrav!

Follow me on:            Instagram: iman.karovic
                                     Google +: Iman Karović